
the raging storm中文什么意思

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  • 狂暴的风雨
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  1. The captain remained composed throughout the raging storm
  2. The ship ' s lanterns swung violently in the raging storm
  3. A white flag from within the fortress , and a parley - this dimly perceptible through the raging storm , nothing audible in it - suddenly the sea rose immeasurably wider and higher , and swept defarge of the wine - shop over the lowered draw - bridge , past the massive stone outer walls , in among the eight great towers surrendered


        raging:    adj. 发怒的,愤怒的;狂暴的;猛烈的,猖獗的。 ad ...
        storm:    n. 1.暴风雨,暴风雪,大雪雨,大冰雹,狂风暴雨;【海 ...
        a storm raging in all its fury:    风雷激荡
        raging:    adj. 发怒的,愤怒的;狂暴的;猛烈的,猖獗的。 adv. -ly
        raging fire; raging flames:    烈火
        a raging bull:    非凡的牛市
        a raging cyclone:    扶摇羊角
        raging bull:    愤怒的公牛;狂牛; 愤怒的拳击手; 蛮牛; 再见狂牛
        raging flames:    烈焰腾腾; 熊熊烈火
        raging fuzz:    热血神探; 终棘警探
        raging hordes:    和猛烈出击的粗暴民族
        raging sharks:    怒海狂鲨
        raging spirits:    忿怒双神
        raging thunder:    雷电风暴
        raging tiger:    怒火雄狮
        raging waters:    狂潮水上乐园
        raging waves:    狂流
        raging years:    下流人生
        sonic raging:    音响测距
        the fire is raging:    火势很盛
        be in a storm:    激动, 惶惑
        storm:    n. 1.暴风雨,暴风雪,大雪雨,大冰雹,狂风暴雨;【海、气】暴风〔风力十一级〕。 2.(政治、社会上的)骚动,动乱,风潮。 3.(感情上的)激动,爆发。 4.【军事】冲击,猛攻。 We ought to face the world and brave the storm. 我们应该经风雨,见世面。 A storm is gathering [brewing]. 暴风雨快来了[正在酝酿]。 a storm of applause 暴风雨似的鼓掌喝彩。 a cyclonic storm 旋风。 a storm of rain 大雨。 After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。 A storm of criticism was raised by his new novel. 他的小说招致了极其激烈的批评。 storm in a teacup [puddle] 因为一点小事而闹得满城风雨;极小的事情。 take by storm 袭取,强夺,使大吃一惊,使神魂颠倒,使大为感动 ( He took her by storm. 他使她神魂颠倒)。 the storm and stress 狂飙时期〔尤指18世纪后半德国文学家反抗古典派而活动的时代〕;大动荡。 vt. 1.袭击,猛攻。 2.大力迅速攻占。 vi. 1.(天气)起风暴,下暴雨[雪、雹]。 2.冲击,冲进。 3.暴怒,怒骂 (at)。 At dawn, we stormed the enemy's stronghold. 拂晓时,我们猛攻了敌人的堡垒。 The quack was stormed with questions. 江湖骗子受到了猛烈的质问。 It stormed all night. 风暴整夜不息。 The boss stormed into his office. 老板气冲冲地进了他的办公室。
        the storm:    暴风骤雨; 大雷雨; 夏季风暴
        a pestilence was raging in that area:    瘟疫正在那一地区流行
        a pestilence was raging in this area:    鼠疫正在这一地区流行


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